New adventure awaits…

Hi guys!

It has been a while. I’m keeping myself busy and because of that I don’t make a blogpost very often. But maybe that is about to change; A new adventure awaits!

After I graduated I travelled for a month through Europe and during that trip I also went to the VSS in Austria. I did apply to some jobs, but unfortunately it didn’t work out at those places. I have been in Denmark  in November to attent the international Training for Trainers, where I facilitated an online webinar. And in December I had the chance to be a trainer at the PEACE camp in Brussels, this is the end of stay camp for the trimester program of AFS.

And now the big news:

Iceland november 2019

About a month ago I saw a call coming by that said AFS Iceland was looking for someone for a ESC (European Solidarity Corpse) spot. The ESC program is an initiative  from the European Union which is part of the Erasmus+ program. I decided to apply. Two weeks ago I got an invitation for an interview, last week I  heard I got selected. The process went by very fast and next month I’ll already be in Iceland where I’ll be staying for a whole year. I’ll be working at the office of AFS Iceland where I will do projects within the volunteer- and ICL (intercultural learning) development.

The funny thing is that my parents just came back from a trip to Iceland. So they’re like telling me a lot of things about what they had seen and what I should check out. I’m very excited and curious for what will come this year.

First I’ll just prepare myself this month and start to learn Icelandic!

I’ll try to update the blog so now and then. Eigðu góðan dag!

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