The time has been going so fast. I started my countdown somewhere with 150 days left and now there’s just one day left. Or maybe less than a day. Because I’ll be on my way already in 20 hours.

What am I going to do??
I’ll be leaving to Bali tomorrow for my minor / school. Here I’ll be staying for four months while I’m going 2 days in the week to a local university to learn about the language (Bahasa Indonesia), the history and the culture of Bali. Three days of the week I’m going to work on a project. I still am not 100% sure what I’ll be doing exactly. This really depends on the needs in Bali.
I’m going to Bali together with 20 other students from all over the Netherlands and with different studies. In Bali we might have to work together on some of the possible projects.

Preparations at school.
The past 3 weeks I had normal classes like every student. Only ours were about going abroad. So what to expect and how to handle things. Like we are all Dutch students and the locals might see us at the ‘rich people’. So we have to adapt so we don’t feel too good. We have to work together with the locals. We also have a very different culture in the Netherlands, so we have to adapt to the Balinese culture too.
We also have to know what kind of diseases or dangers could be there. For this we made a safety plan with the group so we know what could happen and how to act. Right as this moment there is a volcano at Bali that could erupt at any moment, so we are already making up a plan B for if it erupts. But more about that later.
We also got to know each other as a group by doing teambuilding and a sleepover. During these 3 weeks we prepared on our departure which will be tomorrow, September 25th.


Mount Agung:
Right at this moment there is the volcano: ‘Mount Agung’ in Bali which might erupt any moment. This could mean that we can’t fly on Denpasar this week. We are trying to keep up to date with what is happening. If we can’t fly on Denpasar we might try to see if we can fly into Jakarta. But that is for a later moment, if the volcano doesn’t erupt before Wednesday there is no problem for us. Whatever happens we’ll still be going to Bali.
If you press this you will see a news article about the vulcano.

Let’s go!
So I’m almost packed and leaving tomorrow. Later today I’ll have family coming over for saying goodbye. I made an Indonesian cake (Pandon cake) for this. I hope it tastes good, because I didn’t try it yet.

Laatste schooldagje gehad, over 5 dagen zit ik met deze geweldige groep in het vliegtuig naar Bali ???? #gear360 #minorISD

Een bericht gedeeld door Anke Prinsen (@ankeprinsen) op

But I’m ready to go and really excited to go with an amazing group of students to Bali. If you wanna sent me a postcard you could 😉 Just sent me a message and I’ll send you my Indonesian address.


First weeks in Bali
I’ll be busy the first weeks in Bali. We’re gonna visit all the projects and some more places. It’s gonna be really fun I think. I’m thinking of making vlogs if it works out. I’ll tell if I finish one 🙂


I’m keeping this blog short, because I’ll get visitors over soon and because I’ll have enough to talk about later 🙂


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