Hey everyone! What’s up!

So last time I told you guys about me going to Bali starting this September. After I heard I could go there I promised myself not to book any other trips anymore so I could save up as much money as possible. But of course, I can’t stay away from ‘looking’ looking at trips. So the day after I planned my trip to France with Eleni and Marijne…

So let’s start with that! My trip to France!

April 23th I woke up early and went to Marijne her house where we had to wait for Eleni. Marijne is a friend of mine who studies in Lille, France for a couple of months. She wants to become a French teacher and during her time her she can make her French even better!
When Eleni arrived we put everything in the car and then we left on our roadtrip to France! Just 15 minutes on our way we stopped for our first break at the police station in Zwolle for a hot chocolate. After that we continued. Doing our research we knew all the shops would be closed on Sunday in Lille. So we decided to stop on our way in Gent, Belgium. Here we wandered around in the city, visited a castle and drank some more hot chocolate. After a couple of hours in Gent we drove further to Lille. We arrived a little later at our destination because Marijne and I were the worst navigators and because Marijne started to recognize THE AREA SHE LIVES IN half a mile before we got at her place. After unpacking our stuff in a mini room and eating Dutch pancakes made by a French guy (because he said he knew how to make them better) we went to sleep.

Let’s go!

Castle in Gent, Belgium

The video below shows how much space we had in the mini room:

The next morning we woke up early, we wanted to do and see as much as possible. We started off at the Zoo, followed by picnicing at a park (we only had chips). Later we walked around and went to the city. Marijne (who was sure she knew where we were) sent us the wrong way. She didn’t want to listen to my navigation on my phone. So we had to walk a little further than planned. In the city we got our ‘real’ lunch at a burgerplace. There was litteraly no one at that place but I pulled Marijne and Eleni in. The people there were so happy we were there so they gave us free fries while we didn’t even order that. I guess they also liked that we were Dutch and that I didn’t understand anything they said. So when I had to take my paying card out of the machine it took a while before I finally understood. That evening we went to a barbecue organized for international students at the university there. It was fun, but we thought it was free. Usually in France you have to take something with you and then you can get other peoples stuff too. But now we had to pay for the other stuff.. Friends of Marijne called someone who didn’t arrive yet and that person got more food for everyone so we didn’t have to pay. After a fun and long day we went back to the mini room and decided we could sleep in a little the next day.

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Burger with FREE fries
WhatsApp Image 2017-05-19 at 22.57.45
Wandering around in Lille

Tuesdaymorning we went to the store and got some food for our picnic breakfast. Marijne had class that day so Eleni and I decided to take the metro to Roubaix. A lot of places were closed here, so we were done pretty fast. So we took the metro to the end stop which wasn’t as touristy as we expected. We already sent Marijne a text we were there, so at the time she arrived Eleni and I were already somewhere else. Marijne didn’t get that text due to bad connection. So after calling and texting she finally found us! šŸ™‚ We still didn’t find anything to do so we started to look for a pizzeria back in Lille, and no, we didn’t find a normal pizzeria like we wanted. So we went to another restaurant Marijne knew about.

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Picnic as breakfast

WhatsApp Image 2017-05-19 at 22.57.45 (1)

Wednesday we went to aĀ Natural History Museum. It was really interesting there, they also had explanation in Dutch. But they put the flag upside down. So when we told the people there they said it didn’t matter and that they noticed Dutch people speak loudly in a museum. I don’t know, shouldn’t we be talking then…? At noon we got a real French nutella crĆŖpe and we went to Marijne her school because she had to work on a project. Eleni and I got bored so we walked around and got lost in the university. After walking several laps and for a long time we finally found Marijne who was finished by that time. At night and the next morning Eleni and I packed our stuff because we would leave already.
Then April 27th, KINGSDAY in the Netherlands and Eleni and I were driving in Belgium. Eleni (addicted to ‘fancy fish’) wanted to stop by some places. At the end of the day and a lot of fish stores later we arrived in Meppel with 21 fishes. Eleni will sell these fishes again and maybe she will keep a couple for herself.

So that was our story of what we did in France. Marijne is also writing blogs of her time there and you could also read about this week in her perspective. Just click HEREĀ to read her blog. She’s writing in French and Dutch.

Next up: A trip to Chicago?!

Yes, it’s true. After I broke my promise with myself on not going on more trips I also booked tickets to Chicago again for this summer… :p
I got super exciting news from my hfamily in the USA. My second hsister Tessa is getting married this summer! And knowing the wedding will be in August / summerbreak I really wanted to go. So after a lot of doubts, I did decide to buy tickets again. It would be amazing to be able to attent the wedding. šŸ˜€


Preparations for Bali

These past weeks I’ve started with the preparations on going to Bali. I had to get a new passport because mine wouldn’t be valid long enough. Ā I also got in contact with the others who will be going to Bali. We’ll go there with a group of students and now I finally know who the others are. Currently we’re with 14 girls, but there will probably be 2 guys who will join us and maybe some other people. We’ll hear that somewhere this week I think.

Thursdaynight we met up with the group. We went to Windesheim (the school I’m doing this minor with) and we got to know eachother. We also skyped 4 students who are currently in Bali with the same minor. It is really fun to see what people are doing there right now. I really liked the fellow students who are going! It was a great night and we talked a lot!

bali groep
Meeting the fellow students who will go to Bali with me!

Meeting everyone was like a huge step closer to the real adventure. Now you know who you’ll be traveling with. We will probably book our tickets somewhere this week! So that’s really exciting! šŸ˜€


Hope you enjoyed reading this! Byee!

Hey everyone!

I just realised my last blogpost was July 29th 2015. So why not giving an update of what has been going on to now. I have some really excited news too! So more posts will be posted after this one.

So what’s been going on the past 1,5 year?

Last year we hosted Arianna from Italy. She spent a year in The Netherlands with AFS. It was an amazing year with her. We took her like everywhere where we could take her. She lived with us from August 2015 until July 2016. Arianna already came back last Christmas (2016) and she joined us when we went to Austria for wintersports this February. šŸ™‚


The day Arianna went back home to Italy I went back ‘home’ to America. Leah got married this summer. My ‘real’ parents were at her wedding while I was making exams back home.. Too bad I couldn’t make it there earlier.. But now I was home with Arianna during her last weeks in The Nederlands.
So I went back to my hostfamily in the US and had an amazing summer. I met up with friends of mine and showed my parents Chicago during the 2 days they were there with me. I also made a trip with my hmom, Jed, Hannah and Micah around Lake Michigan. Here we saw a lot of amazing stuff. I also went visiting Jeri (my mom’s hsister) and the family in Alabama. My hfamily also got a new puppy this summer, Denali. She’s a white husky and really cute!

Chicago with my parents

Giordano’s with my parents, hparents and some hsiblings

Pictured rocks

Birmingham Alabama with Jeri and Paige

Cheaha state park

With my hfamily including all the dogs

Right now I’m still a volunteer for AFS. I often help with activities for the students who are in The Netherlands. Then I help at camps where I give workshops.
During this past 1,5 year I’ve met up with some other AFS’ers that I met during my year in Chicago. Pia did visit me in the Netherlands and I went to her place in Germany. I also went to Switserland to visit Seraina and Diane. It’s always great to meet up with people!

AFS camp with the volunteers

With Ellie, Seraina and Diane in Zurich, Switserland

Dukky / Yerke:
Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to our dog Dukky this January.. Dukky had kidney failures and after giving him a lot of medication to make him better and after a lot of appointments he didn’t get better. Not wanting him to suffer we decided to let him go… It wasn’t nice to see him shivering and not eating. It was hard to say goodbye..

With Dukky

It was so quiet in our house after Dukky was gone. Later my dad was looking online and he saw this really cute puppy. We weren’t planning on getting a new dog. But we went to the breeder to check the dog out and we took him home. Now Yerke is a new family member at our house. He still has to learn a lot, but he is going good right now. Yerke has his own instagram account: @kooikeryerke.

Yerke found out shopping makes you tired

Yerke in the backyard

Skating meet

This past season I changed skating club in the Netherlands. I’m studying in the south of NL now so I decided to change club. Right now I’m skating for Shorttrack Brabant. I don’t practice that much as I used to do anymore. There are two practices I could join in a week. But it’s exactly at this time that I have classes often. I do try to go. But it didn’t really work out this winter…

In January we had nature ice again. We could skate on the lakes and it was amazing!! The first day I went skating with my dad. Knowing there was a 50/50 percent we would break through the ice. We still chose to go, because we didn’t know when we would be able to skate again. And everything was fine with the ice! šŸ™‚

Happy skating on the canals

Skating on the lake

On the lake with my parents and brother

I started my study Human and Technology (healthcare technology) September 2015. Therefor I had to move out and now I’m living in a house with four other students. I’m still often going home at weekends. This is like a 3 hour travel. I passed all my classes the first year, and now I’m halfway the second year. In September I’ll have to start a minor. I will probably go to Bali for that. I still have to talk to a foundation. If they are enthusiastic there is a big chance I can go! šŸ˜€ If I can go, I’ll write posts more often again! Starting with the preparation!

So this is what I’ve been up to. Of course I did much more. But this does summarize the important things what happened to me the past 1,5 year.

So.. Itā€™s July 29th and Iā€™ve been home for 4 weeks now. Time has gone by so fast!! I really miss the US and all the people I met there. Letā€™s go back in time and see what Iā€™ve done.
I told in my last blog that Eleni (my NL friend who visited me) would write a post about the week she was with me. Unfortunately she didnā€™t have time for it yet. So I will see if I have some time to write it myself. I already have to think a lot about the last weeks what Iā€™ve done. Itā€™s easier to write about the week with Eleni because I have a lot of pictures. So that one will come later.

In the last week in the US I tried to see as many people as possible. The day after my last blog I met up with my psychology buddies Michelle, Kayla and Katie. Michelle picked me up and we went to Chick-fil-a. Here we talked and unfortunately I already had to say goodbye to them.. It was great to see them and it is sad that I donā€™t know when I will see them againā€¦ I also made plans with the family to have a goodbye party that Saturday, or the way as Hannah calls it: ā€˜Celebrating Anke is leaving partyā€™ haha Love you too Hannah. šŸ˜‰

Chick-fil-a with Katie, Michelle and Kayla

Friday we went in the morning to Noahā€™s house to walk the puppies Strider and Cinder. Later that day I went gardening with Hannah to clean for the goodbye party. Most people walk around the house so we had to cut all the branches so the path was clear. We cut off a lot haha. In the Evening Beatriz and a friend of her came over to say goodbye. She wouldnā€™t be able to come to the party the next day. Hannah and I were already tie dying, so Beatriz and her friend joined. The shirts turned out pretty good!! Way better than the ones we made in Hayward I think. But this was other kind of dye which I liked better!

With Beatriz

Saturday morning I got up early. Tessa and Jed (and the puppy Ruger) left to go to Hayward that morning and I wanted to say goodbye before they left. After they left I went back to bed for a few more hours. When I woke up again and came out of bed Brandon was already there. He would help make my kitkat cake for my goodbye party. In the morning Hannah, Brandon and I first went for a bike ride. On our way we also went to Jewel where we bought some more strawberries for my cake and we bought some ice cream which we finished in front of the door before we went back home. It was kinda wet outside so when we came home we were all dirty. Brandon didnā€™t have extra clothes so after we all took a shower he was walking around in my pajamas haha.Ā I also got a flat tire again. This was my 3rd flat tire on that bike in the year. Earlier this year I had 2 flat tires at the same time on that bike.

Biking with Hannah and Brandon

I helped making the cake. Although I only dipped the strawberries in the chocolate, mixed the pudding and gave the kitkats when they were needed. While we were making the cake my coach Ā Eric came helping too to make the barbecue ready. The way he started it looked pretty cool! šŸ™‚ We also got rid of one tree that was eaten by beavers in our backyard. Around 4pm the first people came for my goodbye party. Unfortunately we planned this a little late so not all my friends could come.. But a lot of people of my skating team came and some friends came by real quick. Iā€™m so happy everyone who came could be there and that they came to say goodbye!! They were all really important in my year there and my exchange year wouldnā€™t have been so great without them.

My kitkat cake!!

We had set up a volleyball tournament in our backyard. The teams where really even!! You would win when you had 25 points I think. But you had to be up by 2 points. After a long time my team won with 29-27 I think (not 100% sure). My house there is next to the creek, so every time we shoot the ball in there Ethan went into the canoe to get the ball back. The first time with pushing the canoe into the water it went wrong and Ethan was all wet haha. The other times it went good luckily haha. There was also a deer that we could pet. It was so cool!! The picture isn’t that good. But I’m still really happy with it!
After that we had a campfire. The fire didnā€™t work that good, as usual. We never had a fire that worked the first time we tried haha.

Petting a deer!

Ethan and Brandon slept over that night. Hannah went to bed earlier and we were still talking. I was half sleeping too. They got my Dutch phone and put a reminder in it for when I would be back.Ā  I had to promise that I wouldnā€™t open it until the reminder would pop up.

Such good friends, taking pictures when I fell asleep..

On Sunday we all went to church. After that we went with the whole Bosman family (except Tessa and Jed), Brandon, Ethan and his family to lunch at Honey jam. I had nutella crepes with bananas and Hannah got something else. We both didnā€™t know what to get so we both ordered something and we shared it. After that at home I played tennis with my hdad, Hannah, Micah and Brandon. My back started to hurt pretty bad.. So I stopped after a while and I just watched.

In the evening we went to practice. This was my last practice with Glen Ellyn. This was sad.. šŸ™ At the end we made a group picture. I really miss this teamā€¦. (On the picture Iā€™m wearing one of my shirts that I tie dyed!! šŸ™‚

Last practice with GESS

After practice I went to Rachel. She wasnā€™t able to come to my goodbye party. I still wanted to see her, so I went to her house. Here we just talked and later her mom brought me home. During the week I already started to pack a lot. But Monday I really had to finish this. Hannah left me because she had to go to a practice. Brandon came over to help me packing. All my stuff didnā€™t fit in one suitcase. So I got a big hockey bag where I put all my stuff in that I had left. After that we just went to the basement where we played some pool. I also made a video all around the house.


In the evening Hannah was home again. So I could still see her!! I had to be between 7 and 9pm at Elmhurst college. This is pretty close to my house. So around 8.30pm we left and we first went with the whole family and Brandon to Oberweiss to get ice cream and after that we drove to the college. Here they had to drop me off.. I really had to say goodbye (and see you soon) to my family where I stayed the whole yearā€¦ Around 9.15 they left and I was left with all the other exchange students who were left in my area. AFS told us real quick what would happen the next day and after that we could do what we wanted to do.

Last American ice cream with the family
With Brandon, Micah and Hannah

Saying goodbye to Hannah….
Last family picture!!

That night I didnā€™t sleep a lot. I really wanted to enjoy my time with my friends from around the world. Alexia (Brazil) said I couldnā€™t go to my bed. So then I got my pillow and went to the couch where I laid down. I couldnā€™t fall asleep. I think later I slept for like 20 minutes. Not long after that it was time to get up because we had to be downstairs around 5am. During this night I also exchanged shirts with Eviny. She has a shirt from NL now and I have a Brazil shirt! šŸ™‚

I’m Brazilian!! Oi, tudo bem? Eu bebo agua!! šŸ™‚

When we were all downstairs the names where checked and we had to hand in our keys. We had to walk to another building of the college. This wasnā€™t that far, but it was kinda hard to get there because the hockey bag didnā€™t have wheels. Matheus and someone from AFS helped me to get my bags to the parking place where we had to bring it too (thank you!!!!!). The parking place was full of bags. There were so many people there!! And more bags!! We were all in a big gym, here I slept for 2 hours or so on the bleachers. After that I walked around a bit and I watched a movie with Ana. In the noon we found out that there is a nap room. So then I went there and slept for a while there too. After that it was time to get ready to go to the bus. So saying goodbye to some other people who were still left and after that I went to the bus. My Brazilian friends walked with me, they also helped me to get my bags in the bus. I was kinda struggling with itā€¦ So then I had to say another time goodbye and went into the bus..

All the bags on the parking place. (not all the bags are in the picture)

Arrived at the airport I was left with 3 others from NL who would fly with me and some others who would fly somewhere else from London. My bags where both the perfect weight and I could even take of 2 of my 4 shirts. So that was really good!! At Oā€™Hare we had a while to wait. Here me and Rick got some food and I bought a magnet of Chicago. After a while waiting we could finally go into the plane. We (all the NL AFSā€™ers) didnā€™t have seats together. So I was sitting with people I didnā€™t know. It was a really nice plane. In the plane I watched some movies. I was really tired so I fell asleep during the moviesā€¦ I also missed my food. But the food wasnā€™t that good I heard, and I still had a chocolate muffin. šŸ™‚

Dutchies on their way to NL

At Heathrow we only had one hour layover. Because of that we could go in the ā€˜fast lineā€™. So after that we were in time for our flight. It didnā€™t take too long before we could board for our next and last flight back to the Netherlands. This flight didnā€™t take too long. When we landed we went to get our luggage. Here I already saw my parents, brother and Freya (his girlfriend) and dog. It was great to see them. And they had made a great banner for me. (See picture)

Reunited with my NL family
Welcome home bbq

We had a barbecue with some family and friends when I came home. It was good to see everyone again. My grandma made soup and my dad bought special for me an ice cube machine. Because I asked for ice at home when I came back haha. One of the first things I found out is that my room here is pretty small. There was also a sign on my door which said: ā€˜No own bathroom, no walk in closet.. Sorry. Welcome back in your own room!ā€™

The first week I was home it was really hot. These days I went a lot of times with the boat. I also met Kati and Beatriz, AFSā€™er from Texas, USA and Brazil. It was great meeting them!! I biked with a Kati and I saw her a lot of times. I saw Beatriz only once when she came visit with her hfamily and she slept over.

Enjoying the nice weather
Enjoying the nice weather, monoskiing
Enjoying the nice weather, wakeboarding

Enjoying the nice weather, waterskiing

Enjoying the nice weather

With Kati from Texas, USA in our hometown Wanneperveen
Biking with Kati

In Giethoorn with Beatriz from Brazil

Giethoorn with Beatriz and my mom


The last weeks Iā€™ve been really busy. I worked a lot by my grandparents, I decided what I will study and I started preparing everything for the study. I will study ā€˜Mens en Techniekā€™ (human and technology) in Tilburg. This is all in the South of the Netherlands and I had to find a room here. I found one and I already got some of my books Iā€™ll need online. My skating team sent me a picture where they made my name on the skating rink. This was really nice to see. I miss them..

Looking for a room in Tilburg
My US skating team made my name on the ice šŸ™‚

One really cool thing I had with work was that there was a customer who was an AFSā€™er 50 years ago. It was so cool to meet him!! I made a picture too of course!

With an 50 year AFS returnee

On August 21st I will get an Italian AFS sister. We will host her. Iā€™m really excited to meet her in real!! Canā€™t wait to meet her!!!

Skyping with Arianna and her family

AFS stillĀ looks for more hostfamilies in the USA and in NL. So if youā€™re interested to host someone then you can check it out on www.afsusa.org or www.afs.nl/gastgezin !!!! Ā It is really fun!! And the student you will host will be really thankful!

The coming weeks I will prepare more for my study and I will work some more. I will also try to write the blog about the week Eleni was in Chicago.

Byee!! Hello from the Netherlands!!!!